Become a Game Platform Partner
Promote your game platform to women from around the globe playing during Wicked6.
The benefits include:
Your platform logo is featured in all event email promotions.
Your platform logo and game description are featured on the Wicked6 website, with a link to your website.
Your platform logo or name is included in social media before, during, and post-event.
There is no charge to be a Game Platform Partner of Wicked6. In exchange for the promotion of your game platform, we ask that you:
Deliver a cybersecurity game during Wicked6.
Provide technical support on Discord throughout the duration of the game run. (This includes dedicated platform support individuals who can help with challenge questions, registration, scoring, etc.)
Provide the Katzcy team access to the final score breakdown within 2 hours of the game run close, including email addresses, names, and scores.
Conduct a test call with Katzcy to ensure proper use and successful completion of registration for your platform.
Promote Wicked6 through social media and other channels as appropriate.