Why Sponsor Wicked6?

Unrivaled Visibility
Reach a highly engaged audience of women leaders, innovators, and emerging talent in the cybersecurity space. Position your brand as a champion of diversity, inclusion, and technical excellence.
Impact That Matters
Support an event that’s leveling up women in cybersecurity, whether they’re mastering cyber games, gaining confidence for new roles, or tackling personal milestones.
Global Reach, Local Connection
Engage with a truly international community while fostering real, meaningful relationships through interactive “Hack and Chat” sessions and Capture-the-Flag games.
What’s New in 2025?
This year, Wicked6 is expanding from a 24-hour event to a full Wicked6 Weekend, running from Friday to Sunday. With the theme “Level Up,” we’re creating more opportunities for:

Hands-on cyber challenges designed to sharpen technical expertise.

Conversations with global leaders and peers passionate about protecting the digital domain.

Stories and sessions led by women who are redefining success in cybersecurity.
Your Sponsorship Powers Change

By investing in Wicked6, you’re not just sponsoring an event; you’re fueling a community. Your support enables us to:
- Encourage participants from underserved communities across the globe.
- Expand the scope and reach of our programming.
- Elevate women’s voices and create new opportunities for leadership in the cybersecurity field.

Join Us in Creating a Safer, More Inclusive Digital World
Together we can create more opportunities for thousands of women around the world to ignite their passion for cybersecurity and create a safer, more inclusive digital world.
Let’s Get Started
Sign up today to explore sponsorship opportunities and secure your place as a Wicked6 2025 partner. Your support can make a lasting difference.
Sponsor Tiers
Secure the highest level of benefits including:
- Branding - Your logo featured prominently on the website, email and social media
- Dedicated emails (3) to opt-in attendees (pre- or post-event)
- Logo on the main stage screen
- Booth - A virtual booth with premier placement on our event platform
- Executive Presence - Introduce keynote speaker during kickoff
- Tickets - Twenty (20) tickets to the event
- Influence - Advisory Board Seat
- Thought Leadership - Lead a breakout session
- Interact - Dedicated Discord Channel

($10K USD)
Elevate your visibility with benefits including:
- Branding - Your logo featured prominently on the website, email and social media
- Dedicated emails (2) to opt-in attendees (pre- or post-event)
- Booth - A virtual booth with premier placement on our event platform
- Tickets - Ten (10) tickets to the event
- Interact - Dedicated Discord Channel
($5K USD)
Elevate your visibility with benefits including:
- Branding - Your logo featured prominently on the website, email and social media
- Dedicated emails (1) to opt-in attendees (pre- or post-event)
- Booth - A virtual booth on our event platform
- Tickets - Five (5) tickets to the event
- Interact - Dedicated Discord Channel
($1K USD)
Elevate your visibility with benefits including:
- Branding - Your logo featured prominently on the website, email and social media
- Booth - A virtual booth on our event platform
- Tickets - Two (2) tickets to the event
Spread Kindness
Whether you distribute these tickets directly or allow us to handle distribution, your generosity will give talented individuals the chance to participate and thrive in this transformative event.
Tickets | Cost |
100 Tickets
50 Tickets
25 Tickets
10 Tickets
Contribute to Prize Pile
Prize | Cost |
First Place Tournament Cash Prize
Second Place Tournament Cash Prize
Third Place Tournament Cash Prize
In-kind Digital Gifts and Coupons
Gifts | Amount |
$100 / $50 / $25 Cash Gift Cards
20 card min.
Software or Training Licenses
5 minimum
Association Memberships
5 minimum
Discount - Your Product/Service
10 minimum
Other Ideas?